The Importance of Studying Political Science

Political scientists study and explain government and legislative processes so that people can be better informed about policies that impact their communities, states, and the country. Since elections happen at least every two years and are increasingly significant in today’s political environment, the need for information about these government and legislative processes has never been greater.

Resources for Funding Your Education

Whether you are a high school senior or a parent returning to school, navigating your funding options to pay for college can be cumbersome as you explore possibilities for education and training. If you plan on attending college starting in fall 2020, now is the time to start exploring ways to pay for college.

Accepting the Challenge to Make a Difference

On the first day of class, I ask my criminal justice students, “Who wants to be a police officer?” Almost every hand goes up. I can sense their enthusiasm. They often tell me they want to help people and “make a difference”. As the semester progresses and we discuss some of the challenging issues facing today’s police, I ask the same question. Thankfully, many of the same hands go up. They are still enthusiastic; however, they are now beginning to understand just how tough the job of policing can be.

Waubonsee’s Annual Report to the Community Tells the Waubonsee Story

For several years, Waubonsee Community College has published an Annual Report to the Community. This publication has changed in format and look, however its purpose has remained constant. Combined with our College Scorecard and other documents, the Annual Report to the Community demonstrates our accountability to district residents and other supporters by visually sharing stories of some of the people represented by the numbers and statistics. The Annual Report reminds us that together, we have created something to be proud of.

Waubonsee Offers Training in Growing Career Field

While the current season lends itself to open windows in homes and offices, the coming change of seasons will soon bring colder temperatures and people thinking more about their home heating systems. With weather events like the polar vortex the Chicago area experienced in January 2019, maintenance of these systems is critical. Fortunately, there are people who are trained in this field. The Waubonsee Community College Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Program prepares students for careers in this in-demand industry.

Two Credits are Better Than One

Recent research continues to reinforce that college completion leads to better career opportunities and higher earning power over the course of one’s working life. Whether a career-specific certificate or an advanced degree, the benefits of even the lowest level of college completion cannot be understated. Yet as we promote this as the best way to achieve one’s personal and professional goals, we must also acknowledge that the challenges of college completion frequently cause students to spend more time and money in pursuit of that degree than should be necessary.

Consider a Career in Manufacturing!

Do you like computers and technology? Are you intrigued by the way things move and function? Are you creative? Do you like to work with your hands? Do you like to use your mind to solve problems? Do you want to earn a competitive wage and benefits? Do you want to avoid racking up thousands of dollars in student debt going to a 4-year university to earn a degree you might not even be able to benefit from? Look no further! A career in manufacturing may be exactly what you are looking for.

Education Is a Benefit to the Community

I often talk about the power of education to change lives. And I never tire of hearing, or telling, the stories of people who experience that power first-hand when they complete their degree, start their dream job, or continue their education at their dream school. However, these stories do not represent all of the ways that education changes lives and communities.

Waubonsee’s Math Bridge Program Helps Students Succeed

People who want to attend college start their academic journey at many different places. Not all students are prepared for the rigor of college mathematics courses. The state of Illinois and colleges across the state are working to help those students get ready for college so that they can be more successful there. Waubonsee Community College is contributing to this effort of preparing students by offering a Math Bridge Program.

Waubonsee Helps High School Students Through Partnerships

Many families know the challenge of getting children prepared for life after high school. With early college credit programs available, students now have assistance to prepare for college and beyond. Dual credit classes are one of those programs. These classes are college-level classes that provide both high school and college credit at the same time.