Waubonsee Community College welcomed two former congressmen – Bob Clement and Peter Smith - to campus recently as part of the “Congress to Campus” program.

Waubonsee Community College welcomed two former congressmen – Bob Clement and Peter Smith - to campus recently as part of the “Congress to Campus” program.

Clement, former Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives, is from Tennessee and served from 1988 to 2003. He was one of only three former college presidents during his tenure in Congress, and served as member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and on other significant committees such as the International Affairs and Budget Committee.

Smith is a Republican from Vermont and served on the U.S. House of Representatives from 1988 to 1991. He served as a member of the Education Committee, Labor Committee and Government Operations Committee.

“The College is so happy to be able to provide our students with the unique opportunity to discuss civic engagement in such an up close and personal way with former congressional leaders,” said Melinda James, Vice President of Student Development. “The former congressmen shared their wisdom and perspectives on Congress to our students.”

Congress to Campus was started by the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress to enhance college students’ understanding of Congress and American government, and to encourage them to consider careers in public service or to get involved in community service. The goal of the program is to engage students and provide inspiration that will lead to greater democratic participation; whether it is in the arena of public service or something as simple as voting.

Waubonsee is one of the few community college campuses to host Congress to Campus. During their visit to Waubonsee, Clement and Smith held panel discussions, had lunch with Waubonsee President Dr. Christine Sobek, staff, faculty and students, held a roundtable discussion with student clubs, took a tour of the Aurora Campus and Sugar Grove Campus and visited the “Introduction to American Government” class with Professor Richard Kiefer.