Waubonsee Captures All-Sports Trophy

For the third time in four years, Waubonsee Community College has beaten out seven other schools to capture the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference (ISCC) All-Sports Trophy.

Community Colleges Connect Employers with Qualified Job-Seekers

For decades, a core mission — and strength — of community colleges has been to prepare students for successful careers. Numerous industries hire community college graduates each year, and many companies hire community college alumni who went on to complete bachelor’s or graduate degrees. Throughout the Fox Valley, it is difficult to find an employer that doesn’t have at least one community college alumnus on staff. In fact, many of our local business leaders started their education at a community college. 

Why Community College?

For many teenagers, college after high school is as routine as checking Facebook. This idea of who a college student is and what they experience has become so generalized in our society that, unless you are in the educational environment, your definition of a college student’s life may already be set. For many, that definition is limited to a list of words such as: four years, dorms, bachelor’s degree, parties and so on. The orthodoxy behind these assumptions has even gone as far as labeling college students as being either a “traditional” or a “nontraditional” student. However, for many other students, this perception of the “four-year university” is a distant dream that may be unattainable for a variety of circumstances. I was once one of those students.

A Very Curious Summer

The research is clear — children who are curious and explore the world around them fare better at school and relationships, and ultimately, are more successful in life. Yet, as children go through life it’s easy for their curiosity to be stunted. A regimented school day, schedules, tests and grades all have a way of limiting a child’s natural curiosity.

Graduation a Milestone in Every Lifetime

As a younger person, the milestones come quickly. Your birth, your first steps and words, your first day of school, and getting your first car all have significant meaning. As you grow older, your first job, getting married, the birth of your children, and your children’s own milestones become lasting memories. However, no matter how old you are, completing your college degree and receiving your diploma is one milestone that you will never forget. 

Committing to a Major Increases Completion Rates

For most people, college is the time to answer the age-old question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” Students are often exposed to new ideas and academic disciplines as they navigate their college curriculum. However, research has shown that students who declare a major field of study early have higher rates of degree completion. The main reasons are two things — time and money. 

Math Anxiety: Can This Common Barrier Be Overcome?

Does the thought of taking a math test, or even worse, doing a problem at the board in front of the class give you sweaty palms, tunnel vision and make your heart feel as if it’s about to leap out of your chest? If so, then you might have math anxiety. If you have the same feelings of impending doom on tests in other subjects, then you may also have test anxiety. The good news is that both of these common barriers can be overcome.

A World of Opportunities Awaits Community College Students

Exploring the world beyond our borders creates unparalleled learning opportunities. Travel exposes you to different cultures, languages and perspectives. Dedicating a summer, a semester or a month to studying abroad deepens the benefit, forging lifelong skills. Not just an option for juniors and seniors at four-year institutions, community college students also enjoy this valuable experience through many study abroad destinations. 

Resources Available to Help Small Businesses Succeed

It wasn’t long ago that we were suspicious of purchasing products and services from a business without a national brand. We would hesitate to enter our credit card information for an Internet purchase. 

How to Develop that Killer App – Learn to Code

You love your smartphone, always have the latest device and check Twitter before you grab your coffee in the morning. Or perhaps you recently purchased your first smartphone and are getting used to all the computing power you’re carrying around.